Step into the spotlight of the Lambton County Music Festival, a cherished tradition for over 90 years. This annual event, immersed in musical excellence, invites musicians of all ages to showcase their talents. In the era of school choir field trips and unforgettable music recitals & Christmas concerts, the festival has always been a highlight, and it continues to be a beacon for musical enthusiasts.

2024 promises a revival, and now is the time to plan, practice, and perform.
There are many fabulous teachers right here in Lambton County! “This is the perfect time to get started with some lessons so you can perform in the festival in the Spring,” says Melody Gibson, the new festival president, emphasizing, “the festival is not just a competition where you can win scholarships and cash prizes; it's an opportunity for growth, connection, and community building."

The festival typically provides a platform for local musicians and performers of all ages to showcase their talents in various musical categories, including, vocal, piano, string, brass, woodwinds, percussions, acoustic guitar, composition, or recorder. Whether a solo or part of a duet, choir, band, or barbershop, participants can let their musical talents shine at this local festival. Performers have the opportunity to compete and receive feedback from judges, receive awards and scholarships, and some may even have the chance to advance to provincial competitions. It continues to be a place where individuals, especially young musicians, can gain valuable performance experience and receive guidance from seasoned musicians, teachers, and educators.
Despite the challenges of recent years, the festival perseveres with a call to both new and seasoned musicians. The festival wants to adapt to the evolving musical landscape and this year is introducing popular pieces alongside classical repertoire. “We want to bring music to our community,” says Melody! “In Sarnia, we have a lot of interest in the arts. We have many actors, singers, and poetry writing like slam poetry is really trending and cool right now. If we could get feedback from the public - Is there anything missing? What would you like to see? We are putting on a community event that the community wants to participate in, we are serving their needs and if the needs are changing we would like to know. This year we have added popular music for piano. It is still keeping within the Royal Conservatory guidelines but a little more fun to play, like Harry Potter or shorter fun pieces. So let us know what you would like to see because we are interested in getting public feedback!”
The Lambton County Music Festival is the longest independently run competitive festival in Canada. As the 93rd year approaches, Melody's vision; as president, is to get the word to as many teachers and performers in the community as possible. She believes that participation extends beyond the stage, aiming to foster community involvement, resilience, and leadership through tackling all of the things it takes as an individual to perform, including those pesky performance nerves. Melody reminds, “Aspiring musicians can enter at an affordable cost of $15 to $20, and schools are encouraged to participate. It is easy to enter, and the festival would love to have you!”
Courtesy of Lambton County Archives, Sarnia Observer Negative Collection
This isn't just a festival; it's a celebration of Lambton County's rich musical heritage. Imagine filling the auditorium with applause for the Stars Of The Festival, a culmination of talent that deserves to be seen and heard. ”The Stars of the Festival - will be held in May. We would love to fill the auditorium to see these magnificent performers. It’s 2 hours of incredibly entertaining talent with singers, piano players, choirs, bands, and so much more and the price of admission is only $5,” exclaims Melody.
Courtesy of Lambton County Archives, Sarnia Observer Negative Collection
Join the legacy, visit LambtonMusicFest.org, and connect on Facebook.
You can find the Official Syllabus and music books locally at van Goozen Music -
115 Mitton St. S, Sarnia.
Register through the website. Print the form and bring it to van Goozen Music.
You can pay by cheque or money order.
You’ll be contacted with the time and date early March.
Embrace the opportunity to be part of a musical journey that transcends generations. Register now, and let the harmonies of Lambton County echo for years to come.

Celebrating 92 years, the Lambton County Music Festival has the distinction of being the longest independently run competitive music festival in Canada. Dedicated to fostering musical talent, the festival boasts a generous awards and scholarship program. Each year a number of participants go on to represent the festival at the Ontario Music Festival Provincial competition. The festival extends a warm welcome to all competitors and anyone wishing to volunteer or simply enjoy a wonderful music experience at one of our many venues and our closing Stars of the Festival Gala.

Held the last week of April, and the first week of May Entry deadline: Thurs., Feb. 8, 2024 Stars of the Festival: To be announced. The 2024 Festival Syllabus and Entry Form have been posted. Lambton County Music Festival Website
CONTACT Lambton County Music Festival P.O. Box 772 Sarnia, Ontario N7T 7J7 Email: info@lambtonmusicfest.org
*photos courtesy of Lambton County Archives, Sarnia Observer Negative Collection, Lambton County Music Festival and Melody Gibson, President
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